Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Grassroots Initiative to Bridge Practice, Education, and Research.

Contents at a Glance

Product Management in the AI Landscape: Lessons from IBM

Tarun Chopra

The author shares what IBM’s product managers have learned in seeking to responsibly use generative AI to improve the quality and productivity of the company’s product management.

From Pledge to Practice: Delivering Corporate Net-Zero Emissions

Daniel C. Esty and Alyssa M. Menz

Corporate executives must struggle with a diversity of concerns as they tackle the challenge of moving toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the authors provide business leaders with guidance on how to create and implement an effective net-zero pledge backed by a compelling business transformation game plan.

The Future of Healthcare Delivery: Three Insights from Supply Chain Management

James R. Francis, Alok Baveja, Xin (David) Ding, Ann D. Bagchi, Benjamin Melamed, and Diane Hill

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically exposed the vulnerabilities of supply chains in the healthcare sector. The authors conducted an in-depth study of how Mayo Clinic addressed these challenges and present three strategies for the future of the healthcare industry.

How Modern Tech Companies Differ from the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Giants

Vijay Govindarajan and Anup Srivastava

The authors describe six factors that differentiate today’s corporate technology giants from those of the twentieth century, illustrating why professionals should appreciate these differences.

The Fourth Channel: Automatic Home Replenishment and Its Implications for Supply Chain Cost and Customer Convenience

Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim and David F. Pyke

The authors present recent developments in grocery shopping and delivery models and explore subscription and automatic replenishment services. They introduce a model for auto replenishment that could give customers what they are looking for without bringing unsustainable costs to the supply chain.

Addressing Value Drain in Dealmaking

Paul Papayoanou

The author shows how dealmakers can capture significantly more value by adopting a mindset and a practical approach rooted in game theory and practical experience.

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